Author name: rega_nvyzj6


H9 valfi

It was my hostels validictory functiin today, well yesterday but since we were drinking all night long I dont know


Just finished reading Victor Hugo’s, ‘Les Miserables'(eng translation). And like most of them, found the book better than the movie.


@ Da races

God created all creatures equal (or so i believe). But when man became the self proclaimed master and enslaved other


One of my friends at work has a fascination for the color blue and has so many anecdotes connected to


If you alight at Dadar station and exit through the west side, then walk parallel to the highway towards Matunga,


The hungry one toothed monster was digging into the tarmac. Unable to swallow, the chunks lay upturned, the creamy tar


Baaba jee

He was a gold medallist from the agra university. His qualification was such that when he applied for a post