Chomu & Raangadh?

If you speak hindi you might have heard this word: chomu. I have always been curious about word origins. Now I am giving my attention to hindi slang words. Chomu is used for

an intellectually challenged individual, a person unable to make logical and commonsense decisions.
Now chomu is also a place in Jaipur. There has been a case of outcry by  people of Lesbos who want the use of the word lesbian stopped, as it is giving bad name to their city. While I don’t know if the case is similar, or if the word and place (chomu) are related in anyway. I am interested in finding out.
Another word I am particularly sure about is Raangadh. It is used for guys (or sometimes girls) who are especially well built, have great stamina, or don’t feel much pain. I could’nt find anything about it on google. Only one reference in Talbot Mundy’s, Khyber rifles in which there was a character whom the author described as belonging to the ‘Rangar’ clan. He belonged to rajasthan and was a muslim. And he had all the physical attributes of a Raangadh. Apart from that I don’t have any other proofs. Will update this post when I find some.

2 thoughts on “Chomu & Raangadh?”

  1. I would be very interested to find out about the Rangar clan of Jaipur. I have a relative who founded Rangar Nangal in Gurdaspur, Punjab. He founded it and Batala in around 1470. His name was Rai Ram Deo from Karputhala but originally his family were from Jodhpur in one account and Bikaner in others. They say he was a Bhatti Prince and it mentions Raja Jagat Singh as a relative possibly Ram Deo father or an earlier relative from Bikaner/Jodhpur? Any information you can shed on this would be appreciated. I live in England and despite searching I cannot find a lot more than this. thank you

  2. Hi Karen,
    I can empathise with your search for your roots. I will try to find out more, ask Rajasthani friends and so on. One other lead may be the priests in Haridwar who maintain genealogy trees. If anybody from your clan had visited these places they would have a record. I wish you all the luck in your search.

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