Clouds on the horizon

Hello I am Mr. Selvamani, and this is a normal hot, humid, filter coffee scented morning, reporting to you live from Madras. I work in the meteorology department. Not he one who deal with meteors, aah no no. We deal with temperature both in celsius and in fahrenheit. Also with rain and the absence of it. I was the one who pressed the button for the sirens when the tsunami hit last to last year. I could also be asked to present the weather section of the evening news bulletin, if Lord Subramanium answers my prays.

The intro aside I would like to get into the main issue here. Today morning when I came into office and was reading my emails, peon Thambi came and announced that two people urgently want to meet me. I asked them to come in. They entered. One of them was middle aged, whereing a white joobaah, what you call a kurti in hindi. And a white gold edged dhoti. He was also wearing a pretty heavy gold chain on his meaty neck. The slight smile on his face made my apprehension disappear. The other guy was young and thickly muscled, and was wearing a maroon lungi with multicolored flowers. His shirt was open halfway down showing lush hairy vegetation.

“Ghung goon ghoon”, said the young man.

Why tell me, I said.

“Ghung goon ghoon goon”, said the young man, looking at the elder man, who nodded wisely.

This morning would be hard, I thought. How can I explain these simple folk of the vagaries of global warming. Of what harm their brothers and sisters had done to mother nature through the centuries.

Nowadays it is easier to forecast the winner of IPL, than to predict the rains, I thought. Sometimes we pick a card from a deck we have. That deck has various combinations ranging from humid, slightly sunny to extremely wet with knee deep rains. But how can I tell that to these men, who have such faith in my oracular powers.

“Ghung goo goo goo” this time the elder man said. To which I woke up and found myself staring out the window at a city pigeon.

6 thoughts on “Clouds on the horizon”

  1. He, he, he, he…that fat old pigeon with its ‘Ghung goo goo goo’! I bet Selvamani it was a day-dream, when you dozed off in the afternoon, after the fish-curry and rice.

    Well, Selvamani, give up being a weather man and become a pen-man, that you would do wonderfully well. That English, with its twang of south and tarka of Hindi is very original. Loved to have a taste of it.

  2. Will you love to join a FB group of mine, for writers? Though they mostly write on HubPages and HP does not really allow too much of promotional posting, so that I cannot post your blog links, but I bet some of the crowd there would drool over your stuff!
    Please say yes, so I can add you. And post this link too.

  3. @Dipankar – thanks man :).

    @sush – please feel free to post it. but I must admit I am a very poor group member, and you would have to coerce me into posting anything in the future 😛

  4. And I finally read it. You know why. 🙂

    Super awesome, it is!
    I bet if you get into this zone even for 50% of it, “chillum circle” will come out all rocking!

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