Some of his tricks,” stammered ben, trying to seem innocent.he was for his little mistress. toto did not really care whether hethe little books were full of help and comfort, and as they dressed,words unless you are quite sure you know what they mean,” said mr. and taking his review, he went away to look over a learned pocket. “i want you to read that, please, and tell me if it is legal she enjoys it, and i mean to teach her how to manage her nerves.
“i must, or you won’t have any supper; and that sortagreeable through thick and thin, and when it is perfectly evidentopposite was aunt march – a legacy to amy – in an imposing turban,house, for banners of every shape and size, color and design, flewto see him down here, please. don’t let any one hear.” will think they have done something very clever in running away,” said and is going blindly as i went, because no one tells her what she must ones. jack’s mean sometimes, and i told him i’d dig for myself if he didn’t .
Can you guess what the above two paragraphs are about? I could’nt. It was part of a spam mail I got. Question is who could write such stuff? Is it a copy paste job? Is it the work of some script which trolls and gets text, pasting them together. Anyway it’s like a modern art piece of writing.
Hey budd…. i also got a similar mail…. google for some words in the mail but found nothing matching…. did a pattern analysis, but in vain…. i think it could be one of those puzzles which you crack to get rich or something ? i’ll share some results later
Tell me about the last good book you read.