This plant is called Sada Suhagan (this cannot be translated into english), because it flowers year around. It is also anti-diabetic and anti-cancer. More information here.
This plant is called Sada Suhagan (this cannot be translated into english), because it flowers year around. It is also anti-diabetic and anti-cancer. More information here.
Beautiful picture
Thank you for dropping by. I will come back to your blog once I’m done with my frenetic running.
Kaa in bengali this flower is named as noyontara . We have it in our garden at kanpur .
@vineeta you are welcome :).
@samrat that is interesting to know. do you folks know about the medicinal properties as well?
Anand, this is a perennial flowering plant that is known almost all over the world for its medicinal properties. It is called periwinkle in English. And, Samrat has already given you the Bengali name. It has three varieties- the pink, blue and white variety. I have never seen the blue one- only heard about it from my American friends.
hey sush, i recall ‘periwinkle’ from old classic novels. I think I have seen the pink variety as well. Haven’t seen the blue one.