I am back after my 15 day solo cycling trip from Delhi to kathmandu. The trip deserves a detailed travelogue, which I have started writing. What can’t wait is the space invader graffiti I saw in Thamel, Kathmandu. Obviously by Invader , it looked the part amidst mero mobile and hotel signs. Though none of the local people knew anything about it.
Kathmandu is very cosmopolitan, must say.
awesome! I wasn’t aware of this artist. apparently he has his graffiti drawn on many major cities.
15 day solo cycling trip from Delhi to kathmandu!!
Wow! Am looking forward to reading your travelogue.
Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog.
i read your twitter page. all the ones on your way to kathmandu! great story man!
Blast from the past… FRESH Old school graffiti blackbooks.
well,,author dont say that none of the local knew about it,,im from NEpal a grafitti artist i know the INvader invaded my city and so urs vanaras…its great to be invaded
@aakash. I take my words back :). sorry!